Friday 12 June 2015

Giving Birth To an Atom

We all have grown up learning the fact that atoms can neither be created nor be destroyed and it has been accepted by the scientific community for long time.
No sooner quantum mechanics turned out to be the hot topic amongst the physicist all over the world. The idea was accepted by many and rejected by some .
Now we have something called String theory, Parallel Universe theory , Multiverse theory , The Game model and Super string theory and M-Theory . Gradually we are leaving behind the classical concepts of how we understood nature and reality. Mathematical models show particles can suddenly come out of nothingness into existence and disappear again.
So a question arises can we give birth to a particle without the availability of enough amount of energy as per Special Theory of Relativity ? The answer is probably NO!
May be it sounds impossible but why not explore this further before reaching a conclusion .
Modern Physics and Mathematics predicts the existence of parallel reality , parallel universes ,
the world which is exactly similar to ours , very close to us but unapproachable . To our disappointment we've never seen one but it exists in models , but yes we can feel the gravity.
Now if it exists at all and we if we could make a particle disappear into a parallel universe ,that would be equivalent to giving birth to an atom in parallel reality. Scientists at CERN working in LHC are making all the efforts to prove these theoretical results.
Whatever I've discussed so far (parallel universe , multiverse etc) are out of our physical approach.
So the big idea is why not create one for ourselves ? Yes you heard that right . I'm talking about creating a parallel reality , a parallel universe inside quantum computers. May be today we don't have enough computer power to simulate everything but quantum computers have the potential to simulate the entire Universe. What if we could simulate intelligent species like ours who is intelligent enough to create another parallel universe in their own quantum computers and so on .
Will they ever contact us? Will they control us the same way we're simulating them?
This is like Humanity becoming like God of the Universe that we've created in our super computers .
In my previous post I discussed about uploading the entire humanity into a super computer that could simulate the world exactly like ours.So If I'm smart enough to develop a super computer that can simulate a universe that means my replica in my simulation would be equally smart enough to develop its own inside the computer simulation!
If the cycle continues , we'll have billions and billions of parallel worlds existing one inside another
all inside our computers given that we have no limits on the computer power we can generate in the future .
And if we could simulate the entire universe we might be able to reverse the time and visualize what happened in the beginning of the universe !
All this could be done without breaking even a single physical law ,or without throwing out any theory that we've come across since our childhood. The only physical hurdle that could stop is the amount of Computer power that we can generate!

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