Friday 12 June 2015

21st Century Youth and the lost Childhood

Yes, it’s true that we're living in a world where competition and money matters — competition of earning more money and respect in the society. I’m sure that you would agree to the fact that we are all together in this chase. We were taught in schools that to achieve something one has to be focused. In fact, it’s quite logical. But a large number of people involve themselves too much in the game; so much so that they acquire a state where nothing matters more than the result, not even the path through which it is achieved.
A day comes when they achieve the only that thing they wanted. It is then that they look back into the past and realise how much they've lost — lost the support, trust, happiness, and the people they once used to have fun with — who they spent their crucial hours with, shared their thoughts. So now they live in a world which is in sharp contrast with their childhood.
It’s a cruel place where one has to deal with variety of people from around the universe. And yes the world out is totally different from the isolated world where many of us grew up in. There is no place for anyone. You have to make one for yourself. Most of us don’t usually land up where we actually wanted to be when we discussed our dreams in the childhood. After all, they were mere dreams.
When it comes to conversation on success, it makes sense to ask people what they have already achieved. A survey was conducted among the top CEOs of various companies and unanimously they rated family and friends their top priority, titles were secondary and money at the bottom position. One's success is not defined by how much time he has for himself but how much time he can serve and listen to the the society, to the people, to friends and family. This take us back to a famous saying “time is money”. But what is important to understand is that the time here refers not to the time you have for yourself, we even get paid for time we spend for others .
Independent existence is impossible. You must have heard your teachers or parents saying "stand on your own feet" but the phrase is often misinterpreted or is taken rather too seriously, it doesn’t imply that you have to be all alone and work just for yourself to earn for yourself . "The 21st century human chain" we've build for ourselves where generations are connected to each other - socially, emotionally, and mentally; we share information at unimaginable fast rates. Every broken link in the human chain closes one door to your success.
One can relate this to global leaders President Barak Obama, or Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and many more who have set up a perfect example to prove my point .
In conclusion I would ask you not to lose your importance to others in greed of winning the race. Don't involve yourself way too much into it, life is not just about earning good grades and working hard to earn for yourself. Always look back into your childhood, no matter how much you grow up, you'll always love to live those days when you were not a part of this competition and had more friends than you have today, more support than you have today, more time to live with others remember you spend your childhood with empty pockets but still enjoyed your life for the money you had was not actually yours. 

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