Saturday 13 June 2015

Can Computers control real world objects ?

This idea may fascinate many of you . But think about it , what if you could call your pen at your study table just by a click on your personal computer ? Sounds like Science fiction right ?
May be a new generation of computers could do that . Totally different from our classical computers.One day we might be successful in building this new generation of smart and powerful machines that can manipulate not just the motion of one single electron or a small molecule but a group of molecules that form real world objects .

I don't know how far away we are from this generation of computers or how close is it to the possibility of actually building one but its just an idea that evolved a couple of weeks ago.

Researchers in the US have said they want to build a new type of computer that will be able to “control and manipulate” physical matter.
A group of scientists from Stanford University has taken the first step towards this by creating a computer that operates using water. To be precise, the computer that scientist Manu Prakash has created sees water droplets being manipulated with fluid dynamics.

Although these experiments are still very far away from the idea that how one day we might be able to manipulate a 3 dimensional object lying independently at some location instead of lying on a computer chip . The basic challenge would remain the mechanical force required to change the position of object , also there is limit to how much atomic manipulation we can perform.
The fact remains that no object can exert a force on itself so how do we do that ?

Lets say you are sitting on one end of a table and a metal ball is lying on the other end ,
if you could perform enough vibrations on the table , ball will change its position.
So in order to shift the ball towards you what we need is the vibration of table molecules in the perfect orientation so as to move the ball exactly the way we want !

And if the table itself is a large computer chip , then congratulations your problem is reduced to how much vibrations can you produce .

I don't know how much time would it take to build and commercialize this generation of future computers , but what I'm sure of is that possibilities are enough . Our future on Earth is bright after all we are the most creative and intelligent species in the Universe.

1 comment:

  1. There are only four known forces in this universe.These are gravitational force, electromagnetic(EM) force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.The latter two forces are very short range forces. So,only forces left are gravitational and EM.But gravitational force between two bodies on earth is very weak as compared to earth's gravitational force.So only EM force is left. If we can enhance EM force between two bodies efficiently then yes one can rule over physical objects.
